CSE 16: Applied Discrete Mathematics / Winter 2024

Course Description

Introduction to applications of discrete mathematical systems. Topics include sets, functions, relations, graphs, predicate calculus, mathematical proof methods (induction, contraposition, contradiction), counting methods (permutations, combinations), and recurrences.

layout: home

Lecture: Monday and Wednesday and Friday from 2:40PM to 3:45pm in Kresge Acad 3105

Lecture videos are accessible here and are usually posted within 2 hours of the end of class.

Office Hours:

Official Course announcements and Q&A happens on the CSE16 Ed Discussion Forum. Unofficial interactive discussion happens on the course Discord server. See Ed Discussion Forum for invite link.

This course will be using an online textbook from ZyBooks. Homeworks will be released on the Canvas page. Some assignments will be completed online through ZyBooks; the rest will be turned in (as pdfs) via Gradescope.

This week

Learning Support Services

In addition to the course tutors above, there is also tutoring available provided by Learning Support Services (LSS). Learning Support Services Tutors are an important part of the teaching team and are here to help you be successful. Large Group Tutoring is for everyone and open to all students in class to get extra practice on the things you already know or the things you want to know better.

Your tutor(s) is an undergraduate student who took the class, did well, and received extensive training on how to help you learn! Sessions are one-hour long, available several days a week and attendance is voluntary; however, students who attend sessions weekly tend to earn a higher final grade than students who do not participate.

Ask your tutor for more information about session times, visit their website, or visit them in person at the ARCenter or remotely at our Virtual Front Desk, M-F 9am-6pm. You can also view your Tutor’s schedule on The Tutor Hub.


ZyBook Readings

Pre-lecture prep readings on ZyBook.

5% (Average)

Homework assignments

A mix of "Challenge" activities on ZyBook and traditional homework exercises.

35% (Median)

Quizzes (9)

Short quizzes given in discussion sections.

20% (Median)

Exams (3)

Two midterm exams (held during class time) and one cumulative final.

40% (Median or the final exam grade, whichever is higher)

In-class discussion quizzes

Short ungraded quizzes during lectures

Up to +3% extra credit for participation

Grading scheme

For your overall grade, I use a grading scheme based on a traditional scheme with some modifications.

Ceiling of raw scoreLetter grade
> 97%A+
>= 93%A
>= 89%A-
>= 86%B+
>= 82%B
>= 79%B-
>= 76%C+
>= 69%C
>= 66%D+
>= 62%D
>= 59%D-
>= 59%F

Late Policy

Diversity and Inclusion

We strive to create a learning environment that supports a diversity of thoughts and perspectives, and respects each student's individuality and identity. We make mistakes, though, and if these is a way we can make you feel more included, please let one of the course staff know in any way you feel comfortable. We also expect you as a student to honor and respect your classmates and abide by the UCSC Principles of Community. Building an effective learning environment is only possible with mutual respect. Each student must feel comfortable admitting when they don't understand or risking being wrong in public. Please make an effort to protect this space. We do not tolerate intolerance. If you experience any sort of harassment or discrimination, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. If you prefer to speak with someone outside of the course, please see the options below.

DRC accomodations

UC Santa Cruz is committed to creating an academic environment that supports its diverse student body. If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations to achieve equal access in this course, please submit your Accommodation Authorization Letter from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to me privately during my office hours or by appointment or by email, preferably within the first two weeks of the quarter. At this time, I would also like us to discuss ways we can ensure your full participation in the course. I encourage all students who may benefit from learning more about DRC services to contact DRC by phone at 831-459-2089, or by email at drc@ucsc.edu

COVID-19 Information

What we can expect from each other:

Each individual at UC Santa Cruz should act in the best interests of everyone else in our community. Please take care to comply with all university guidelines about masking in indoor settings, performing daily symptom checks, self-isolating in the event of exposure, and respecting others’ comfort with distancing. Please do not come to class if you feel sick. I will be masking indoors at all times and I encourage others to do so. If you are ill or suspect you may have been exposed to someone who is ill, or if you have symptoms that are in any way similar to those of COVID-19, please err on the side of caution and stay home until you are well or have tested negative after an exposure. Let me know that you’re not feeling well and I’ll respond about how best you can keep learning.

What you can expect from me:

I have designed our course following campus guidance and with current public health guidelines in mind. However, these guidelines may change in accordance with shifting infection rates or the emergence of new variants. If updated public health recommendations and university requirements make our current course format unfeasible, or if I experience a need to self-isolate, I will alter the format. This may include moving in-person sessions onto Zoom, modifying course assignments to work in a remote format, and reconfiguring exams (if applicable). I will communicate clearly with you via email or Canvas announcement about any changes that occur. I will provide as much advance warning as possible and give you all the information you need to transition smoothly to the new format. If you have questions about the changes, please reach out to me so I can answer them.

What I expect from you:

If you experience an illness or exposure that requires you to miss class sessions or to attend remotely, please communicate with me as soon as possible and I will provide you with options to allow you to continue making progress in the class.


Teaching Assistants